Relationship & Unity
Restore trust in relationships and unity across the boundaries of race, and to encourage Maori and Pacific Island Christian leaders
Biblical Worship
Restore trust in relationships and unity across the boundaries of race, and to encourage Maori and Pacific Island Christian leaders
Health & Education
Link with agencies that work toward promoting health, education and well-being among Maori and Pacific Island people in Manukau City
Guidance & Coaching
Provide accessible counselling, guidance and life coaching for young people and their families
Support the ministry of David and Liz
Become a ‘Master Restorer’ by making a regular commitment to help support David, Liz and the band/team or simply make a donation
Contribute towards Scholarships
Annual scholarships for Polynesian young leaders raised for tertiary education and training opportunities in NZ
Send us a message

PO Box 99655, Auckland 1149, New Zealand