Endlessly album review by Chris Geldard

Endlessly album review by Chris Geldard

When did music lose its innocence? Sure there have always been streams of the music industry that have been pushing the boundaries and that’s great but doesn’t it seem that everything has just been condensed down to love and hate? It’s like we have taken the...
Endlessly album review by Chris Geldard

Endlessly review by Malcolm Gordon

Hey David, Wanted to send you some thoughts on your new album. I got a good chance to digest it over the last week or two while I was ensconced painting ceilings in our house as we renovate. I love the opening track ‘Start of something new’- I definitely connect...
New Devotion CD review – Chris Gardner

New Devotion CD review – Chris Gardner

David Lyle Morris’s newest album, released on March 12, is pregnant with promise. He’s written the 14 tracker to encourage the listener to promise to spend more devotional time with God, and filled it with music with is overflowing with God’s promises of grace...
New Devotion CD review – Chris Gardner

Devotion album interview

David Lyle Morris talks to Challenge Weekly reporter Michael Hamilton about his new release ‘Devotion’. Prolific and popular New Zealand singer/songwriter David Lyle Morris has completed his 13th album. I caught up with Morris at his house recently to chat about...